Impactful Sales Strategies to Drive Sales Operations and ROI
In economic downturns, many companies fear taking action. They sit on their hands and take a wait-and-see approach. Don’t fall into this trap!
Companies that are winning right now are focusing offensively on immediate, midrange, and long-term growth strategies that improve their sales efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. They’re setting themselves up to gain market share now, into 2021, and beyond.
Our webinar is all about how you can do the same. Learn from distinguished industry thought leaders about how to harness the power of technology so your reps spend less time being distracted by tech solutions and more time selling.
Discover proven methods that enable reps to do more in the same time—with improved results. This is always important, but it’s vital during an economic downturn. As companies cut back, reps must be even more focused and spend even more time interacting with customers to see positive results for the bottom line. Join this webinar to see how!

What you will learn:
- Incorporate automation and digital sales tools to alleviate manual work.
- Drive customer-centric strategies that lead from a position of value, not product.
- Create a gross margin strategy that targets your highest-valued customers and maximizes your margins.
- Grow ROI in customer segments, channels, and individual industries.
- Focus on the lifetime value of the customer.