Secrets to Mid-Market Digital Transformation
How to Unlock the Secrets to Mid-Market Digital Transformation and Whip Your Sales SaaS Ecosystem Into Shape

Secrets to MId-Market Digital Transformation
According to Forbes, 82% of businesses have either adopted or plan to adopt cloud-based technologies…that’s a whole lot of SaaS.
But is it the fix-all-ills solution so many believe it to be?
Whilst the tech is designed to accelerate growth, streamline processes and generally cure a whole load of headaches, oftentimes the procurement is not defined by a clear plan, nor underpinned by the systems needed to support its successful adoption and produce maximal impact.
The consequences? Everything from customer dissatisfaction to growth stagnation, to leadership reckonings.
It’s no shock to us that 70% of digital transformations fall short of their objectives: we want to ensure you buck this trend.
Our webinar will help you cross into the winning minority.
Zoning in on what we know about successful digital transformation, our panel of sales experts will equip you with the tools you need to articulate the necessity of strategizing digitalization to those that need to listen – and help you get that win: executing a comprehensive transformation to a sustainable SaaS ecosystem.
Join our panelists Lars Helgeson (GreenRope), Nate Tutas (Membrain), and Dan Cilley (Vendor Neutral) and
Learn How to:
- Gain support from leadership and get traction for a transformation initiative.
- Extend the reach & influence of back-office technologies (CRM, ERP).
- Migrate away from legacy technologies to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
- Understand the KPI's and the ROI - Leveraging the data from these improvements to help you make more effective business decisions.
Our Panelists

Dan Cilley, CEO, Vendor Neutral
Dan Cilley, is the CEO and founder of Vendor Neutral and an industry-leading expert in sales technology. Dan's background and expertise were instrumental in the development of Vendor Neutral’s proprietary Sales Technology Ecosystem, a unified sales technology system to maximize sales performance and revenue growth. As a trusted advisor, Vendor Neutral helps enterprise and midmarket businesses solve their biggest sales technology challenges by simplifying their sales technology selection, adoption, and integration processes to dramatically enhance ROI. His passion for developing sales teams and implementing the resources they need to be successful began at Staples where he led the outbound sales organization and top customer team. He left Staples to start Telemaximum, a contact center development firm, offering sales strategy and technology resources across several industries. He has helped some of the largest enterprises across manufacturing, finance, pharmaceutical, and media reach their objectives through the integration of proven strategies leveraging people, process and technology to support their growth. He founded Vendor Neutral in 2018 -- the leading provider of sales technology selection & implementation services globally.

Nate Tutas, Head of Partner Success, Membrain
Nate Tutas is a 15 year sales veteran who's regarded as an expert in sales, sales process, and strategy. As the Head of Partner Success at Membrain, Nate works with some of the top sales consultants across the globe to fulfill Membrain's mission to elevate the sales profession. His efforts focus on helping sales teams improve efficiency, increase effectiveness, and exceed sales targets through opportunity management and process execution. Having worked with 100's of companies across 17+ countries to implement CRM, sales process, and embedded training, Nate has a unique skill set when it comes to getting the most from your technology.

Lars Helgeson, CEO, GreenRope
Lars started in the Internet Marketing space in 2000, co-founding one of the world's first email service providers, CoolerEmail. As a pioneer in responsible email marketing, he grew CoolerEmail into a global software company specializing in marketing communication with over 1,500 clients. In 2010, after spending several years designing and implementing a more comprehensive way to meet the needs of small and mid-sized businesses, Lars launched GreenRope, a cloud-based platform that simplifies and consolidates a company's sales, marketing, and operations. GreenRope currently provides technology solutions to over 3,000 companies worldwide. Lars favorite CRM-related mantra is, “If it isn’t in the CRM, it didn’t happen.” His goal is for you to adopt this far-reaching data-driven, inclusive approach to running your business, too. He earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY and an MBA from the Robert Anderson School at the University of New Mexico. After graduating, Lars served in the United States Air Force for 4 years, working in the Air Force's space test program, Air Force Research Laboratory, and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. Lars enjoys: Travel, stand-up paddleboarding, mountain biking, and ice hockey, and he likes to practice yoga whenever the forces of the universe align and he can step away from developing or programming something new.